Everyday we search for a neutral position of work and happiness, some try to find happiness in work. Where do you stand? Can you truly enjoy yourself at work? Or are you finding it harder and harder to crack a smile after an office joke? Many people follow their dreams and work their dream job, some people work to pay things off or buy luxury items or trips to a vacation spot. Let's face it, office jobs aren't too exciting, but neither is being a plummer. Some people enjoy working with customers, some people are tired of the feeling of constantly being nagged at by customers. But happiness can come from either job perspective, whether it's at work or at home. To some, their job is their escape from the outside world, for others they are waiting 8 hours to escape from their work complex. So I ask, are you happy to be working or working to be happy?
That after work cat is hysterical! He better find a different job...fast! :)